With Pedro, Victoria, Mariana and Virginia we are looking at a variety of mechanisms established by what we are colling Virtual Distributed Collaboration Initiatives or “other CoViDs” (for its acronym in Spanish); as they have sprout in the context of crisis and / or emergency.
Since March 2020 we have followed various remotely coordinated work teams whose members were in isolation as a result of the pandemia restrictions and that came together in the context of various global initiatives formed in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The ones we have followed have been happening in Spanish mostly.
Con Pedro, VIctoria, Mariana y Virginia estamos siguiendo la pista a una variedad de mecanismos establecidos por iniciativas de Colaboración Virtual Distribuida, en contexto de crisis y/o emergencia. A ellas las hemso denominado “otras CoViDs”
El estudio se realiza en el contexto de diversas iniciativas globales en CoViD formadas como respuesta a la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19). Desde Marzo del 2020 hemos seguido equipos de trabajo coordinados de forma remota y cuyos miembros se encuentran en situación de aislamiento como resultado de la pandemia.